How to Operate Remote Gas Logs
Darrell PawsonWhen it comes to heating your home, nothing is as comforting, or easy to control as remote gas logs. Instead of dealing with traditional wood-burning fireplaces, you and your family can enjoy the smokeless, simplicity of a remote gas fireplace. The best part of remote gas logs? They can be turned on with the push of a button, which means you’ll be able to spend more time with loved ones instead of tending the fire.
If you’re thinking about purchasing gas logs, adding an option for a remote control makes an ideal choice for a number of reasons. Not only are they easy to install, but they are a highly effective method of home heating. With remote control operated gas logs, you can be on one side of the room chatting with friends or loved ones and still be able to feel the warmth of the fire. Remote gas logs give back the accessibility and freedom of home heating, in addition to the benefits of using gas logs, eliminating additional fumes and mess that come with wood-burning fireplaces.
While remote gas logs are easy to use, have minimal maintenance, and can adequately heat your home, there are a few different ways to operate remote gas logs. Today, we’re going to discuss the benefits of remote gas logs, and the different types of remote controls that are compatible with gas logs.
Types of Gas Log Remote Controls
Thanks to the latest home heating technology, there are a few different ways you can operate your remote gas fireplace logs. With a remote start and stop system, your gas logs can be turned on from a nearby room, and start heating the space within minutes. However, there are a few different ways to operate remote gas logs.
Gas fireplace remote controls are known for their ease and simple features, which ensure that you’re fully in control of your home heating system. However, not all remote control systems are the same. Depending on the type and brand of gas logs you purchase, there are a few different remote control systems that are compatible.
Depending on how much control you’re looking for, here are all the remote controls available for gas fireplaces.
- Basic On/Off Remotes
- The most basic, but effective remote control for your remote gas fireplace. Ventless gas logs, vented gas logs, or direct vent gas logs - all of these can be turned on or off with a basic remote.
- Variable Remotes
- In addition to being able to turn your fireplace on or off, you’ll also be able to control the flame height. Certain remotes have low or high flame options, which provides additional control over the output of heat your fireplace emits. The gas logs you choose should have the ability to vary the flame from the burner. Be sure to check with a Casual Furniture World representative about which burner types allow for variable flame heights.
- Electronic Ignition Remotes
- If you have electronic remote gas logs, then you’ll have the ability to turn your pilot light on and off using your remote control. While most remote controls leave the pilot light on and idle, electronic ignitions turn the pilot light on and off the same way it switches off the flames for your fireplace.
- Thermostat Remote
- Perhaps the most exact and efficient way to heat a room, thermostat remotes are designed to help your room reach an exact temperature. You’ll be able to set your remote gas fireplace logs to reach the ideal temperature, and it will emit the same amount of heat until you turn it off. In order to use a remote for this feature, the burner in the gas logs must be variable.
- Wall Mount Control
- While they have all the same features and functionality of remote controls, a wall mount control switch is capable of turning your device on and off, adjusting the temperature, and even controlling the size of the flames. Additionally, your wall control can be wired through your remote gas fireplace’s firebox and into your wall. Now, anyone can access and control your gas fireplace when they walk into a room!
It’s important to note that while most fireplace models have the ability to be controlled remotely, all gas fireplaces have a manual control switch that turns the pilot light on and off. This is an additional safety precaution that also provides you with additional control.
How to Operate Remote Gas Logs
In order to start your remote gas log fireplace, your fireplace must first be switched in the on position. This is what ignites the pilot light, so your remote can have the ability to turn your fireplace on and off.
From there, based on your type of remote, you’ll have two different types of ways to regulate your gas fireplace temperature - via thermostat settings or manual mode. As mentioned earlier, thermostat remote controls give you the ability to control the exact temperature of your gas logs.
From there, you can let your remote ventless gas logs run until your room reaches the desired temperature. Once your family feels comfortable, simply press the off button to stop your flames. With remote gas logs, controlling your fireplace is truly simplified. Now, instead of tending to the fire, you can get back to entertaining your friends and family.
The Benefits of Remote Gas Logs
The simple push of a button gives you all the control you need over your gas fireplace system. However, that’s not the only benefit of remote gas logs. Besides the ability to turn on your unit with ease, remote gas logs:
- Have Low Maintenance
- You won’t have to worry about the ash, dirt, or soot that comes with a wood-burning fireplace. A simple cleaning once a year should be all your unit needs to remain fully functional for years to come. At Casual Furniture World, we recommend and offer annual gas log service..
- Cost-Effective
- Instead of paying for your own firewood, which can be costly, remote gas logs eliminate the need to buy additional firewood year after year. Also, you’ll never have to worry about paying a chimney sweep to come out and clean your chimney flue year after year. Natural gas and propane end up being far more cost-effective, and efficient, than a traditional wood-burning fireplace. Safe and EPA Friendly
- The EPA has enforced many new regulations on wood stoves and fireplace of today, to make them cleaner and more environmentally friendly. Remote gas logs are known for burning cleaner fuel, and reducing the total environmental impact most wood-burning fireplace options have.
- If any of your relatives are sensitive or allergic to ash or soot, a remote gas fireplace is a safe alternative. You won’t deal with the possible health risks wood-burning fireplaces pose.
- Real fireplaces might provide warmth, but for small children, they can be fairly dangerous. Rolling logs and popping wood sparks aren’t the best environment for small children to be around. Gas fireplaces remove these particular dangers.
- For more safety tips on remote ventless gas logs, read How to Use Vent-Free Gas Fireplaces Safely.
- Safe and EPA Friendly
- The EPA has enforced many new regulations on wood stoves and fireplace of today, to make them cleaner and more environmentally friendly. Remote gas fireplace, ventless logs, and other gas logs are known for burning cleaner fuel and reducing the total environmental impact most wood-burning fireplace options have.
- Additionally, traditional wood-burning fireplaces pose safety risks to members with asthma or allergies, as well as younger children. If any of your relatives or children are sensitive or allergic to ash or soot, a remote gas fireplace is a safe alternative. You won’t deal with the possible health risks wood-burning fireplaces pose.
- Real fireplaces might provide warmth, but for small children, they can be fairly dangerous. Rolling logs and popping wood sparks aren’t the best environment for small children to be around, to say the least.
- For more safety tips on remote ventless gas logs, read How to Use Vent Free Gas Fireplaces Safely.
- Look Authentic
- Today’s remote gas logs are manufactured so well, they don’t look prefabricated in the slightest. Made from ceramic, many gas logs resemble popular types of wood, such as oak, pine, and birch. Your guests will have a hard time realizing these aren’t really wood-burning logs at first glance.
Final Thoughts
The bottom line: remote gas logs are easier to operate, and control compared to traditional wood-burning fireplaces. The simplicity of a remote control makes heating your home easier than ever and is safer for your loved ones. If your remote gas logs, ventless gas logs, or other home heating methods are due for annual service, now is a perfect time to schedule your annual gas log service appointment with our fireplace technicians.